IATF-16949-ISO-9001 -Minnesota

Getting IATF 16949 Consulting in Minnesota (MN)

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Getting IATF 16949 certified in Minnesota is crucial for automotive companies since it is one of those that focus on incorporating ISO 9001’s structure but with extra automotive customer-specific requirements.

But is there are great difference between implementing ISO 9001 compared to complying with IATG 16949? Absolutely. Specialized ISOs have a better and more specific approach when it comes to the industry of the company, which in this case, is the automotive one.

IATF-16949-ISO-9001 -Minnesota

As a result, companies are able to achieve better results and establish a quality management system following IATF 16949 that allows them to achieve customer satisfaction. Also, it is a mandatory requirement for them to continue operating which is why you should consider its implementation if you are part of the industry.

Now, is there a specific reason why you should implement it besides being regulatory? Actually, plenty of reasons:

  • Develop a quality management system based on your customers’ needs will guarantee satisfaction and that you improve your processes.
  • Bring more value to the company and guarantees to stay competitive.
  • Market recognition and financial benefits.
  • More effectiveness when it comes to improving processes to deliver quality products but also developing new ones.
  • Have a better approach for your decision-making and finding solutions for your products and services.
  • Address your needs and problems more efficiently.
  • Increase employee involvement.
  • Have a specialized QMS that actually focuses on your goals and can address future needs in the company.

But in order to obtain all these benefits, the automotive company needs to comply with regulations in the document by implementing the standard properly and getting certified later on. Our team at IQC The ISO Pros of Minnesota can assist you in the process of implementing the standard and also get you certified by performing an audit.

We can handle everything related to IATF 16949 and we assure you our team is more than qualified and trained for it. Also, we have been in the ISO industry for over 12 years and all our clients are more than satisfied with the results.

Just let us know in what city in Minnesota you are located and we will start working on it.

How is the IATF 16949 structure?

All standards include clauses or sections where each one of them addresses a different topic or aspects of the system. IATF 16949 is not the exception and in total, it has 11 sections, being the first four—from 0 to 3—introductory to understand the approach of the ISO.

From the fourth and forward, you can notice the different topics to be handled:

  • Section 4: Context of the organization.
  • Section 5: Leadership.
  • Section 6: Planning.
  • Section 7: Support.
  • Section 8: Operation.
  • Section 9: Performance evaluation.
  • Section 10: Improvement.

The final goal of the ISO is to guarantee the company is able to continuously improve its processes and with them, the quality and safety of the products.

Improvement is crucial for any company to stay relevant, grow, and meet customer satisfaction. Therefore, rest assured our experts at IQC The ISO Pros of Minnesota will implement the standard properly and achieve the results you expect.

IQC The ISO Pros of Minnesota can help you implement, train on, consult, and have your company and/or organization certified on the following ISO Certifications:

If you want to enjoy the above-listed benefits, contact IQC the ISO Pros of Minnesota, now. Our services are accessible in all of the below-mentioned cities: